Archive: Gabriela Bodin exhibition

Melancholic portraits, sad looks, frightened expressions: the new exhibition by Gabriela Bodin, “Archive”, brings us a couple of paintings that make us think about the new meaning of intimacy.

“My style is now inspired by the movement gestures of the characters in Francis Bacon painting, from the importance of the flesh seen in Lucian Freud, but also by the mysterious atmosphere in Rembrandt works. Yes, my paintings are about loneliness and melancholy, and that is the reason I used so many shades of black. And the black background is perfect to express loneliness, as well as the shadows and the lights on the canvas”, says Gabriela Bodin.

The “Archive” exhibition by Gabriela Bodin is open until 7th of May 2016, at Galeria Galateca (
Read an interview with the artist Gabriela Bodin, here.

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ABOUT THE ARTIST – Gabriela Bodin is a Romanian artist, living in Italy. She was rewarded with the prize at the painting contest Morlotti (Imbersago) 2011 and the Brambatti contest (Castiglione d’Adda) and she recieved the Movimento nelle Segrete di Bocca (Milano) award. She had exhibitions at Living Art Gallery (Hungerford UK), Ghiggini (Varese), OpenArt Milano, Oldrado da Ponte (Lodi), PasspArtout Galley (Pero), D’art Visual (Mennagio), Arte Elite (Arcore), Galgarte (Bergamo), Moitrè (Torino), Arcos Museum (Benevento).

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