În familia mea circulă, de când mă știu, povestea în care subsemnata, pe la trei…
READ MORE →It was truly a big challenge: to drive a LEGO car (yes, in actual size…
READ MORE →More than 110 cars from 10 countries. 50 years of Transfăgărășan. 50 years of Turbo.…
READ MORE →Mult soare, niște drumuri superbe prin orășele mici spaniole de lângă Sevilla și o întâlnire…
READ MORE →Yes, I had an off-road experience. Yes, it was mud all over me at the…
READ MORE →Dreams change the world. Ferry Porsche once dreamed of a car that didn’t yet exist,…
READ MORE →It took more about seven years to put an exhibition like that into practice. It…
READ MORE →Of course, is still a project, but why not #dreamingof a supercar? One that can…
READ MORE →A Dior rally suit? Bring me one! Yes, even it is only in a video…
READ MORE →A perfect car for a holiday involving bikes, tents and (maybe) a surfboard. & airbags,…