Charity pop-up store for Ukrainian designers

14 Ukrainian designers are, this week, the special guests of the pop-up charitable event at Aparterre. After Paris, Berlin and Milan, the charity pop-up store has come to Bucharest and we cannot wait to see the collections of the talented Ukrainian designers. With this event, Aparterre, a multi-brand concept-store, is making its first appearance as a cool & hip store for different fashion experiences. 

*** #FashionTrend #English

Between 6-8 of July (11:00 am- 8:00 pm), in collaboration with @artcodeua. 
APARTERRE – 80 Jean Louis Calderon street nr. 80, Bucharest.
The payments are possible cash or via PayPal – all the money goes directly to the designers. 

The Ukrainian designers – and their collections presented in Bucharest, including clothes, shoes, jewellery, perfumes and decorative items – are, as follows… 

LITKOVSKAYA @litkovskaya_official

KSENIASCHNAIDER @kseniaschnaider

BOBKOVA @bobkova_official

GUDU @gudu_official

ELENA REVA @elenareva

Anna October @anna_october_

Gunia @gunia_project

Drutis @drutisjewellery

Triptych @triptychessence

Chego @chegojewelry

Agape @agapepearl

Logvin x @juliekleom

Guzema @guzema_jewelry

Ganor Dominic @ganordominic

About Aparterre… 

In a space designed by arh. Bogdan Ciocodeică (an experience by itself), Aparterre promises a modern aesthetic and a personal approach of the shopping experience for all fashion & lifestyle lovers. A place to be put in every fashion agenda: @aparterre. 


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