3,2,1… Polaroids! A beautiful photo exhibition to see in Berlin this year

Remember the thrill of seeing a picture revealing in front of us, in seconds? Polaroids were, in a more romantic way, the equivalent of instant digital photos today. But with a little bit more fun, more artistic energy and less filters. Sometimes, polaroids were used for photographic studies, sometimes, they were art works themselves (as we can see in Helmut Newton case). This year, at Berlin, you can see “Polaroids” – a group exhibition at Helmut Newton Foundation.
(photo up: Helmut Newton, Amica, Milan 1982, copyright Helmut Newton Foundation)
“Polaroids” – a group exhibition at Helmut Newton Foundation – with works by Helmut Newton, Pola Sieverding, Marike Schuurman, Sheila Metzner and others.
From 7th of March to 17 July 2025 in Berlin, at Helmut Newton Foundation – www.helmutnewton.com

The Polaroid process…
…. revolutionized photography in the 1960s. Those familiar with Polaroid cameras will recall the distinctive odor of the developing emulsion and the thrill of watching an image appear instantly. Polaroids are typically considered unique prints. This innovative imaging technology found enthusiastic users worldwide across nearly all photographic genres – landscape, still life, portrait, fashion, and nude photography. Helmut Newton often used a range of Polaroid cameras and instant film backs that replaced the traditional roll film in his medium format cameras. From the 1970s until his death, he primarily used Polaroids as tools for visual sketches, lighting tests, and composition studies during his fashion shoots. Initially created as preliminary studies, Newton published a dedicated book of these images in 1992, followed by a second volume released posthumously in 2011. Some of Newton’s Polaroids, signed as standalone works, are now highly sought after on the art market.
About the exhibition…
The archive of the Helmut Newton Foundation holds hundreds of these original Polaroids, some of which were transferred from the Newton residence in Monte Carlo after the death of June Newton.
In this new group exhibition, Newton’s Polaroids are presented alongside numerous works by other photographers, in collaboration with WestLicht/OstLicht in Vienna, whose extensive Polaroid collection was made available to curator Matthias Harder. The exhibition explores a diverse range of Polaroid processes and formats, and features experimental treatments of individual prints and larger tableaus.
Photo: (c) courtesy of Helmut Newton Foundation.
TAGS: art, fashion, Helmut Newton, photography, Polaroids