Take off your mask: discover the exhibition signed by Nadia Ioan

It’s a bit ironic and, yet, very actual: more than 400 masks are now on display, on a huge wall, in a pandemic year, at Galateca Gallery. “My obsession was related to the masks we wear in our encounters with others, the masks that we are forced to wear by our society”, said the artist Nadia Ioan.
Dramatis Persona – Nadia Ioan – installation – at Galateca www.galateca.ro. From 4th until 17th of November.

The starting point for Dramatis Persona project was the face / the unseen face of our contemporary friends, neighbours, colleagues, unknown people we see on the street. Those 400 masks are talking about what we hide behind our usual and dialy smile, about the interior faces we hide inside our soul.

“None of the masks is similar to other. Everyone is different as we are, in real life. I had a dialogue with every character I put there, on display. Of course, I had a different person in mind for every mask I put on the wall: writers, film makers, poets etc. I worked more that 3 years for this masks, I draw them I added some details from real people on those collages, and I had a kind of a dialogue with every one of them”, said the artist Nadia Ioan.

The artist had in mind the antique masks, but also the Ingmar Bergman movie, “Persona”. “I think I saw the movies for a dozen of times. In fact, we all made each other evolve and transform. And therefore, some masks are falling, some masks are replaced with others…” The conventional faces and the masks that stay beneath the surface (dramatis personae) unveils emotions, moods, wishes, secrets that cannot be spilled. “It’s not going to be a nice and smooth relation between the masks and the viewers. We are going to be nervous, anxious and very emotional just seeing them. And maybe we will going to rediscover ourselves in them.”

Nadia Ioan – artist (UNARTE Bucharest & Ecole du Louvre, Paris) – had her works in exhibitions all over the world.
TAGS: Dramatis Persona, exhibition, Galateca, Nadia Ioan