Art is coming into #summer in Bucharest

A lot of super cool exhibitions, numerous projects, live installations, fashion design in art expresion: this summer, the city belongs to the artists. Below, the things to see, learn and taste. Put these 6 addresses on your map. 

Art Yourself Gallery – @art_yourself_gallery – exhibition 1,61 
The botanical art by Irina Neacșu is on display at Art Yourself Gallery, Bucharest. 21 works – oil on canvas, watercolours – all of them compose an exhibition entitled 1,61. This is not just a number, but the gold proportion of art, the law of the universal harmony (visit the exhibition between 1 of July and 10th of September 2021). @irinaneacsustudio

Sandwich Gallery –
Teodor Graur: Ars longa, vita brevis. (The age of the artist is youth.) The show begins, in fact, three weeks before its opening, during which the artist works daily on the Sandwich terrace in order to make his quota of splinters, meaning to sculpt, chop, carve in 200 years old wood half-trunks. Their prolonged presence is sharpened either by the longitudinal notches crossing them, or by the two flat sides that alter their cross-section.(Combinatul Fondului Plastic, exhibition opened between 04.06 – 31.07.2021)

Galateca – @galateca
53 artists from 8 countries put together an international exhibition “Say No to the women abuse” at Galateca- this includes letters, messages, postcards, drawings, prints and other stuff from Austria, China, France, Germany, Israel, Holland, Romania and Russia. The art is, in fact, a way of manifest and put the fenomen of women abuse on the radar. See more on Between 7 – 18 of July 2021. 

Celula de Arta – live performance at @celuladearta
This galley proposes an exercise: to imagine what can we see & create in a limited space, with a specific material. The artist Elena Dobîndă will fill the space of the gallery with some bricks (exactly, 2,2 mp3 of bricks), with the specific purpose of changing the image seen online. The experiment Brief Encounters (Situații) has started from all the bricks abandoned in the interior garden of the gallery (live, at Bd. Carol, nr. 53, between 19 – 31 of July).

Strata Gallery –
“In the Room with Dead Acoustics, Ritual is a Matter of Fuzzy Logic” is the name of the exhibition that just has opened at Strata Gallery. It may be an exhibition about boxes and wraps, but is more than that; it explores the identity of the object, the ratio between each oter and in space & time. Paul Barbu, the artist, lives and works in London. With an interest towards architectural solutions, he builds narratives in which the tension between form, proportion, light and structure dominates, following a functional aesthetic of space. (Visit it between 15 July-13 of August)

Fashion design at MNAR – @unartemoda
50 years of fashion school in Bucharest. A lot of creative work, designs of the students and graduates of UNArte (National University of Arts Bucharest). Admire all the designs and be inspired! The event also celebrates 150 years from the beginning of Belle Arte School in Bucharest. (See all the bautiful clothes in National Museum of Art, Bucharest, between 7 July and 5th of September 2021).